Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Liverpool FC legends urge Tom Hicks and George Gillett to sell up and leave Anfield

A HOST of Liverpool FC legends today slammed the Anfield reign of co-owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett and urged the Americans to sell the club.

The former players, including ex-captains Phil Thompson and Tommy Smith, admitted they are devastated by what has happened to the Reds since Hicks and Gillett took over in 2007.

They fear for Liverpool’s future unless the club is sold quickly.

Hicks and Gillett plunged the club into £351m of debt, with annual interest repayments of £40m.

Broken promises included their vow to build a new stadium in Stanley Park and invest heavily in the playing squad.

Previous owner David Moores admitted last week he “hugely regrets” selling to them and pleaded with Hicks and Gillett to stop “punishing” supporters.

Hicks’ response infuriated fans because he claimed the club is in better shape than three years ago.

Liverpool went up for sale last month but Hicks has admitted it could be more than a year before a deal is complete.

Potential investors were put off by the sky-high asking price of £600m-£800m, three times what they paid to take control in February 2007.

The Americans have ignored calls from the ECHO, previous owner Mr Moores and fans’ groups like Spirit Of Shankly to bring their disastrous Anfield tenure to a swift conclusion.

But supporters hope they might listen to some of the greatest names in the club's illustrious history.
PHIL THOMPSON made 477 appearances for Liverpool between 1972 and 1983.

He captained the club to European Cup glory in 1981 and later served the club as assistant manager.
He said: “I am an ex-player and an ex-assistant manager but overall I am a fan and I hate seeing the club in the mess it is in at the moment.

“As a club, we always did things well in the past but the way things have gone under the current ownership is shameful.

“A top-level club needs strong leadership but it is not there. Our owners handle the club from far away and only seem to agree to disagree.

“Until the club is sold, we are going nowhere. I heard they want between £600m and £800m and it could take over a year to happen.

“It is like a dagger through the heart reading that because we want them gone.

“Chairman Martin Broughton has to tell the owners what is a proper price for the club and convince them to get the deal done quickly.

“These are worrying times and I am dreading a transfer window where we have to settle for free transfers and cheap buys. We need owners who are going to invest.”

TOMMY SMITH is sixth in Liverpool’s all-time appearance list. The “Anfield Iron” played 638 games between 1963 and 1978.

He said: “Hicks and Gillett have picked on the wrong people in Liverpool fans. We will not stop until they have gone and the quicker they go, the better.
“The amount of money they are asking for is ridiculous. They should be glad to just get their money back.

“If it is not sorted out before the start of next season, we are going to be right in the mire. The squad is not good enough and we desperately need money for new players.

“I am afraid the likes of Steven Gerrard, Fernando Torres and Javier Mascherano might decide they have had enough and leave.

“Over the past three years, Liverpool have gone from being one of the best-run clubs in the world to one of the worst. We have not won anything under their ownership.

“We need owners who will not only invest money but provide leadership. We cannot go forward with these two in charge.”

JIMMY CASE won three European Cups and four league titles during a stunning career with the Reds. He played 269 games between 1975 and 1981.

He said: “The Americans made promises about what they were going to do in terms of investment in players and building the new stadium but not kept them.
“The two of them do not even get on with each other so it was never going to work.

“We finished seventh this season so it is obvious something needs to happen.

“The problem is they are businessmen rather than football people.

“Players and managers come and go, but the club is always there.”
ALAN KENNEDY scored the winning goal in the 1981 European Cup final and netted the deciding penalty in the final three years later. He made 359 appearances for the club between 1978 and 1985.

He said: “I am saddened by what has happened at the club over the past three years.
“I have no doubt Rick Parry and David Moores honestly believed the offer from the Americans would be best for the club.

“George Gillett addressed the former players association a few years back to outline their plans.

“It all sounded so positive but it just has not happened.

“Now we are all worried about the future. What happens now? Is there a billionaire out there?

“At the moment there is so much instability and it was the worst 12 months for the club for a long time.

“As ex-players, we want to see the club moving in the right direction. We are not happy and I am sure the manager and the players are not happy either.

“We need new owners to make a new start with some new players to get us back up there.”

JOHN ALDRIDGE was a boyhood Liverpool fan who signed for the club in 1987. During his two and a half years at Anfield, he scored an impressive 63 goals in 104 games.

He said: “It is ridiculous for Hicks to say we are in a good situation – we are in a massive mess.
“They must realise Liverpool has bottomed out during their ownership. They should be prepared to accept whatever the realistic figure for the club is and leave.

“The only way the club can move forward is if the current owners sell up. They have to go for the good of the club. You just hope there is someone out there who is prepared to come in and bail us out.

“It can be turned around but we want somebody with our long-term interests at heart.”

IAN ST JOHN was one of the most significant signings in Liverpool history. Bought by boss Bill Shankly for a club record £37,500 from Motherwell in 1961, “The Saint” stayed for a decade and scored 118 goals in 425 games.
He said: “I do not understand finance and I do not understand how we ended up in so much debt.

“How can a successful club like Liverpool, who fill their ground week in, week out, get into the trouble they are in now? I am baffled by it.

“There was one disappointment after another in the last few years. We were promised a new stadium but it has not happened. It is easy to pass the buck and say it is all the Americans’ fault. We cannot blame them for all the problems on the pitch. After all, we have had some good players leave and new players come in who are not good enough.

“But the fact is that for the first time in 50 years the club is in turmoil.

“Everyone had respect for Liverpool because we did things in the right way. We kept our house in order, but now our house is in disarray.

“The club was a model for how things should be done but we have certainly lost that image now.”

TERRY McDERMOTT played in three European Cup winning sides for Liverpool. The Kirkby-born midfielder made 329 appearances from 1974-1982.
He said: “The situation with the owners needs sorting as soon as possible.

“It cannot be allowed to fester because things can only get worse if that happens.

“Liverpool cannot afford another season like the one they have just had. They need to decide the big issues one way or another now.

“It is not for me to say whether Rafa Benitez has done a good job or not, but they have to either back the manager or not. They cannot leave things undecided like they have.

“As an ex-player, and someone who remains a fan, it is heartbreaking to see the way the club has gone over the past few years. It really is.

“Hicks and Gillett have said they are going to sell, which is good. But they have got to try and make it as easy as possible for anyone coming in, and make sure the deal is done.

“If they have proper hearts, as they say they do, they must make it a quick and painless sale, so Liverpool can get back to where they belong – at the top.”

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