Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fernando Torres will get better protection in South Africa than he does for Liverpool FC - Graham Poll

FORMER World Cup referee Graham Poll believes Fernando Torres can expect better treatment from referees this summer than he gets in the Premier League each week.

The Reds star recently spoke of his concerns regarding the intense physicality of English football, but Poll, who refereed in the 2002 and 2006 tournament, believes the Spaniard should fare better on the international stage, where protecting star players is a priority for match officials.

“I think there are two perspectives to look at,” said Poll.

“At international level, and especially at World Cups, referees are instructed to protect the skilful players, such as Torres.

“In the Premier League, on the other hand, the emphasis is on fast football and tempo and physicality, so there can’t be too much interference in that respect.

"And let’s be honest, if a player like Fernando is to leave the Premier League, one of the reasons will be the way he is handled by referees.

“I certainly think Fernando can expect better protection at the World Cup than he gets domestically.”

Poll also tipped Howard Webb, England’s refereeing representative this summer, to handle the pressure of officiating on football’s biggest stage.

“You cannot understand the enormity of a World Cup until you’ve been,” he says. “I’d done big games – European Championships, Champions League, FA Cup – but the World Cup is something else, it really is. Howard has all that coming to him.

“But he is a calm guy, his training as a policeman ensures that. You could see in this season’s Champions League final that he knows how to keep his emotions in check. I’m sure he will cope fine with the pressure and he will not be overawed.”
Poll is at a loss to explain his 2006 aberration, in which he issued three yellow cards to the same player – Josip Simunic – during a match between Australia and Croatia, though admits that the pressure placed on referees by abusive players is something which needs to be stamped out of the game.

“From my own perspective, I still cannot explain my mistake,” he said, “That game (Croatia v Australia) had everything – diving, bad tackles, disrespect, abuse – and those are the hardest type of games to referee.

“The ‘Respect’ campaign has had various levels of success, but in my opinion it will not work until referees start to consistently send players off for disrespectful, abusive language. We all know who the worst offenders are, but still they go unpunished.”

The 46-year-old, who retired from refereeing in 2007, also revealed his worst ever Merseyside derby moment, as well as his respect for Liverpool stars Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher.

“I’ve made a few mistakes of course,” he said. “But the one that sticks in the mind as far as Liverpool and Everton goes is when I didn’t allow Don Hutchison’s goal (at Goodison Park in the April 2000 derby) to stand. The blue half has probably never forgiven me!

“But I have to say I’m such a huge fan of Stevie; he gave me a shirt when he found out I was retiring, and signed it with a great message, which was a fantastic gesture.

"He also texted me after my error in 2006, as did Jamie Carragher, with a message of support. I really appreciated that.”

Graham was speaking to promote the Coral Dugout website, which enables punters to get the most out of every World Cup game from a betting perspective.

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